Good evening, CES Families. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of CES. This Wednesday, Feb.19 is Spring Picture Day. All students will have their pictures made, and pictures will be sent home at a later date for purchase. Friday, Feb. 21 is Rock Your School Day. We encourage students to dress as a Rock Star. We will “ROCK” learning as we focus on increasing rigor and student engagement. Next week, Feb. 24-28 is Winter Break. There will be no school for teachers or students. We hope you all enjoy your Winter Break.
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal Stacie Gerrells. This Friday is SRO Appreciation Day. We are so lucky to have Officer Roach as our School Resource Officer at Cottrell Elementary. Please help us celebrate her this week. Our kindergarten students will perform a QU Wedding at our CCT meeting this Thursday evening at 6:00. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal Stacie Gerrells. Thursday is the midterm for the 3rd nine weeks. Please take a moment to review your child’s progress via Infinite Campus. On our school’s web page there are detailed instructions on how to view your child’s grades and attendance through the parent portal under the parent information link. This week is Counselor Appreciation Week. CES really appreciates our school counselor, Mr. Matt and all that he does for our school and students. We also have the Book Fair this week in the media center. As always, thank you for your continued support of CES.
Good evening, CES families! This Wednesday, Healthy Kids Clinic will be providing a fluoride treatment to students that returned their permission form. If you would like your child to participate in this, please be sure that you have returned the permission form. Also, please make sure that your child’s name is in his or her jacket so it can be returned if misplaced. Thank you for your continued support of CES.
Good evening. This is your principal Stacie Gerrells. There is no school tomorrow, Jan. 20 in observance of MLK Jr. Day. We will see students on Tuesday, Jan. 21. Also, class pictures and 2nd/3rd grade All Pro Dad are rescheduled for this week, Friday, Jan. 24. You may use the same payment envelope for class pictures or order online at with the following code: FM444170. You may RSVP for All Pro Dad with the same QR code that was sent home previously. As always, thank you for your continued support of CES.
Hello, CES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Tomorrow is a virtual day for students. Teachers will post assignments in google classroom. You may reach your child’s teacher via school status with any questions. Second nine week report cards will come home this week. Please reach out to your child’s teacher with any questions. Thursday is Class Picture Day. Please send in your payment with the picture envelope or order online at with the following code: FM444170. The Healthy Kids Clinic is offering fluoride treatments to students on Jan. 29. If you are interested in this, please return the permission form that will be in this week’s purple folder.
Happy New Year, CES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I hope you all had a wonderful break. We can’t wait to welcome students back to school on January 7th. Our All Pro Dad Breakfast for 2nd and 3rd grade is this Friday. If you did not RSVP, please do so if you are planning on attending. It is going to be an excellent second half of the year.
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. This week we will continue our Christmas dress up. We will also have an early release on Thursday, Dec. 19. Students will dismiss at 11:30. Christmas Break for students will be Dec. 20-Jan. 6. Students will return to school on Tuesday, Jan. 7. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thanks for your support of CES!
Good evening, CES families. This is Stacie Gerrells with a reminder that this Thursday is our CCT performance at 6:00. Our third graders will be performing “A Pirate Christmas.” Also, thank you for your support of Winter Wonderland. It was a great night! We would like to thank our Collaboration Team for organizing this fun event for our families. This week also starts our Christmas dress up. Please see our website or social media pages for more information on the daily dress up. We are looking forward to a wonderful week!
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving break. We are looking forward to seeing all of our students back tomorrow morning. We have just a few weeks until the end of the first semester. Please encourage your student to continue to give 100%. Our Polar Express Winter Wonderland is this Friday from 5:30-8:00. Come out to enjoy a movie, crafts, and pictures with Santa. It is going to be a GREAT week!
Good evening, CES families. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of Cottrell Elementary. Thanksgiving Break will be November 25-November 29. We hope you and your family have a great break. We are so thankful for all of our CES families. We will see you all tomorrow and are looking forward to a wonderful last week before break.
Hello. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of Cottrell Elementary School. This Tuesday is the second nine week’s midterm. you will be able to view your student’s progress report online via Infinite Campus. On our school’s web page there are detailed instructions on how to view your child’s grades and attendance through the parent portal under the parent information link. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions about your child’s progress report. We are looking forward to honoring our Veterans tomorrow morning. I hope you have a wonderful evening.
Good evening. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of CES. November 11 is our Veteran’s Day Program. If you have a veteran joining your child for this, please be sure to RSVP by returning the flier that was sent home in the purple folder. As always, we appreciate all that you do to support CES. It is going to be a great week.
Hello, CES Families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. This week is Red Ribbon Week. Please see our website or social media pages for dress up information. Please remember that the dress code does still apply on these special days. Nov. 1st is a professional learning day for teachers and a virtual learning day for students. Please remember electronic devices are not allowed to be used during the school day. This includes cell phones and apple/smart watches. We encourage students to leave these items at home. If they have them at school, they should be turned off and in their bookbag. Thank you for your continued support of CES. It is going to be a wonderful week!
Good evening, CES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells with some important reminders. We had a great Old Fashion Day. Thank you to the CCT and to all of our parents for your support of this event. This Thursday is our All Pro Dad for kindergarten and first grade. If you have not sent the RSVP and would like to come, please see the QR code sent from your child’s teacher. This Thursday is also our CCT meeting at 6:00. Our second graders will be performing “The Magic School Bus - Lost in the Solar System.” Bus Driver Appreciation Week is this upcoming week. CES appreciates all of our bus drivers. Next week will be Red Ribbon Week. Please visit our school website or social media pages to see each day’s dress up theme. Please remember, the dress code still applies on these days. Don’t forget that Nov. 1 is a virtual learning day for students. Your child’s teacher will be sending out more information about this day. Have a great week.
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal Stacie Gerrells. Tomorrow is Old Fashion Day. If you are joining us for OFD, please sign in at the office. You must present your photo ID when signing in. We will begin signing visitors in at 8:15 tomorrow morning. Old Fashion Day begins at 8:45. We encourage students to dress up for OFD; however, remember toy weapons are not allowed. I would like to give a special thank you to our CCT and all of the volunteers who are making tomorrow possible. It is going to be a great day.
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal Stacie Gerrells. This Friday is Old Fashion Day. If you are joining us for OFD, please be sure to sign in at the office. You must present your photo ID when signing in. We will begin signing visitors in at 8:15 on Friday morning. We encourage students to dress up for OFD; however, remember toy weapons are not allowed. I would like to give a special thank you to our CCT for all of their hard work in preparing for Old Fashion Day. We are looking forward to a great week!
Good evening, CES families. We can’t wait to welcome all of our students back tomorrow! Tomorrow evening we will have our rescheduled CCT meeting with our 1st grade performance. Wednesday will be our Flu Shot Clinic for all students that returned the permission form and Friday will be picture retake day. All students that were not here for the original picture day will have their picture taken. If you would like to have your child’s picture retaken, please return the original pictures and let your child’s teacher know that you would like retakes. If you have not returned or paid for your child’s pictures from the Aug. 26 date, please do so this week. Also, please remember that all transportation changes must be sent in writing to the front office. Please do not make transportation changes via School Status, as teachers may not see these messages before the end of the day. It is hard to believe that Friday will also be the end of the first nine weeks. We appreciate your continued support of CES!
Good evening, CES Families. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of CES. This week we will have our first CCT meeting at 6:00 on Thursday, Sept. 26. Our first graders will be performing “The Wizard of Oz.” Friday, Sept. 27 is Rock Your School Day. We encourage your students to dress as a Rock Star. We will “ROCK” learning as we focus on increasing rigor and student engagement. Next week, Sept. 30-Oct. 4 is Fall Break. There will be no school for teachers or students. Lastly, I would like to thank you all for your support of Family Connection. We collected almost 900 cans of soup! Thank you for all that you do to support CES.
Good evening. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of CES, with some important information. On September 19, we will have our first Family Engagement Night from 6:00-7:00. Families will visit several places within our school to earn clues for a special surprise. We hope you all can attend. Also, please note a change in the LCSS school calendar. November 1 will now be a virtual learning day for students and a professional learning day for teachers. Please visit our website- A Peek at the Week- for more upcoming events. Thank you for your continued support of CES. Have a great week!
Good evening. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of Cottrell Elementary School. Please mark your calendars for a few upcoming events: The Family Connection Canned Food Drive ends on Sept. 16. Thank you for all of the donations. On September 19, we will have our first Family Engagement Night from 6:00-7:00. Also, If you have not filled out a meal application yet this school year, please do so before September 16. If you have already completed one, you do not need to do another one. Please see our website: A Peek at the Week and our facebook page for more information. We are looking forward to a wonderful week!
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal Stacie Gerrells. Wednesday is the midterm for the 1st nine weeks. Please take a moment to review your child’s progress via Infinite Campus. On our school’s web page there are detailed instructions on how to view your child’s grades and attendance through the parent portal under the parent information link. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions about his/her progress. If you have not already done so, please sign off on your beginning of the year forms in your Parent Portal. Also, don’t forget that there is no school tomorrow, September 2. Happy Labor Day to everyone. Enjoy your three day weekend!
Hello, CES families. This is your principal with a few reminders. Monday is Fall Picture Day. All students will have their picture made for the yearbook. Picture packets for purchase will be sent home in a few weeks. Let's get into the GAME! We will have our CES "Game Day'' on Fri., Aug. 30 to celebrate National College Colors Day. Teachers will develop “Game Day'' lessons that match their curriculum. Students are invited to wear their favorite college team attire or sports attire on Aug. 30. There is no school Mon., Sept. 2 in observance of Labor Day. Please visit our webpage: A Peek at the Week Cottrell Elementary School for more upcoming events. It is going to be a GREAT week!
Good evening, CES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Please be sure to check your child’s purple folder each week for important information and continue to fill out your beginning of the year forms via the parent portal on Infinite Campus. If you need help with your username or password, please call the school. Also, I would like to remind you that every car going through the parent pick up line must have a number. If you need a PPU number, please visit the front office. Looking ahead, our Fall Picture Day is Monday, August 26. Please visit our webpage: A Peek at the Week Cottrell Elementary School for more upcoming events. Have a great week!
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We had a wonderful first week of school. Our students are absolutely amazing! Thank you for your patience with parent drop off and parent pick up. We have many more vehicles going through our morning and afternoon lines this year and are continuing to improve each day. In the morning, the parent drop off lanes merge into 1 lane as you approach the building. Please take turns merging into this lane. Please help us out by having your students ready in the morning during drop off. If a student is not ready to exit the vehicle, please pull forward so it does not hold up the line. Also, please stay off your cell phones, and stay attentive while in the drop off/pick up line. If you park and walk your child to the front of the building, please use the crosswalk. Students are tardy after 8:00 am and are marked as a left early if they are picked up before 2:45 pm. Please visit our webpage: A Peek at the Week | Cottrell Elementary School for upcoming events.We are looking forward to a wonderful week!
Good evening CES families. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of Cottrell Elementary School. Thank you all for attending Open House last Thursday. We had an excellent turn out. Please continue to fill out your beginning of the year forms via the parent portal on Infinite Campus. If you need help with your username or password, please call the school. Also, be sure to review the beginning of the year packet that you received at Open House for important information. The building will open each day at 7:30 for students. This is also the time we will begin parent drop off. Parents will be allowed to walk their children to class on Monday and Tuesday of this week only. If you are walking your child in, please make sure to use the crosswalk in front of the school. Traffic will be heavy the first few days of school. Please be patient as it always improves by the end of the week. Also, please remember we have 2 parent drop off lanes that merge into one as you approach the building. Students should be ready to exit the car (unbuckled, have all items ready, etc.) by the time you stop at the colored cones. We will have staff in the parking lot to help direct you the first few days of school. If you have questions about your child’s bus route, please call the front office or the transportation department on Monday. We are looking forward to a wonderful year! Cottrell Elementary is a great place to BE!
Welcome back, CES Families.This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells with some important reminders for tomorrow’s Open House. As you are coming into the parking lot of the school, please enter through the second exit of the roundabout. All beginning of the year forms will be filled out online via the parent portal of Infinite Campus this year. Be sure to fill out the free and reduced lunch form, which will also be online. We will have chromebooks set up in the media center during Open House to help assist with this. Please be sure to have your photo ID if you need help with your parent portal. If you had a Parent Pick Up number last year, you do not need to get a new one UNLESS you have changes to who is able to pick up your student. There will be a table set up in the gym at Open House for this. If you would like to put money on your child’s lunch account, you may do so tomorrow night by visiting the lunchroom. We also will have CES t-shirts and sweatshirts for sale. We are only able to accept cash or check for these. As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. My email is stacie.gerrells We can’t wait to welcome everyone to the new Cottrell Elementary School tomorrow evening at Open House from 4:00-6:00 pm.
Hello, CES families. You should have received a message from your child’s teacher today. If you did not, please call the school. We apologize for the delay in getting this information to you. Thank you for your patience as we navigate through changes in our communication platform. The parent portal of Infinite Campus is ready for you to complete your student's annual update. Please complete an update for each of your school-aged children. All families are asked to complete a Meal Application (one per family). This can be found in the parent portal under the more tab on the left side menu under Meal Benefits. The following documents are also located on our website: FERPA, PPRA, Parent's Right to Know, LCSS Family Engagement Plan, our School Improvement Plan and Parent Involvement Plan, and the CES student handbook. If you need help with these updates, help will be available during Open House. Please have your ID with you. Help filling out these forms will also be available at our Lumpkin County BOE Office during the following times: Aug. 7th- 2:00- 6:00, Aug 8th- 12:00- 4:00 and Aug. 9 from 8:00- 12:00. We can’t wait to see everyone at Open House on Aug.1st.
Good evening, CES families. This is your principal Stacie Gerrells. We are so proud of our 3rd-5th graders for their efforts on the GA Milestone testing last week. We are finishing testing tomorrow as 5th grade completes the Science portion of the test. This Friday is Field Day. Please make sure your child has comfortable shoes, a water bottle, and sunscreen. All visitors must report to the office to sign in before joining students. We are looking forward to a fantastic Field Day! It is hard to believe the year is almost over. As always, we appreciate your support in making CES the best! Happy Mother’s Day to all Moms!
Hello. This is your principal Stacie Gerrells. This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. We are so grateful for all of our teachers and all that they do for our students. Also, May 8th is School Nurse Appreciation Day. CES appreciates Nurse Rosa. 3rd-5th graders will be taking the GA Milestones this week. We encourage your child to get a good night’s rest, eat a good breakfast and be on time to school each day of testing. We do still have a limited number of yearbooks for sale. They are $39.00. Please only send cash or check. Thank you for your continued support of CES.
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal Stacie Gerrells. This Friday is School Nutrition Appreciation Day. We are so thankful for our wonderful lunchroom ladies. Also, thank you to our CCT for planning such a great Spring Fling last Friday. Looking ahead, May 6-13 will be GA Milestone testing for our 3rd-5th grade. We encourage students to be at school, get plenty of rest, and eat a good breakfast each day of testing. We are looking for a parent representative for our School Governance Team for next year. If you are interested, please send Mrs. Gerrells an email by May 15. We have extra yearbooks for sale in the front office for $39.00 (cash or check). Have a great night!
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal Stacie Gerells. This Thursday is Kindergarten Registration Day. If you know someone entering kindergarten next year, please share this information with them. We invite all of our families to our annual Spring Fling and Talent Show this Friday from 5:00-7:00. Tickets are 50 cents each. We will have fun events, great food and wonderful entertainment. Thank you to the CCT for planning such a wonderful event. We hope to see you all there.
Good evening, CES families. This is your principal Stacie Gerrells. This Friday will be the midterm for the fourth nine weeks. Please be sure to log into the parent portal of Infinite Campus to review your child’s grades. On our school webpage there are detailed instructions on how to view your child’s grades and attendance under the parent information link. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher. On Thursday of this week, we will have our 2nd grade performance and CCT meeting at 6:00. It is going to be a great last few weeks of school. Thank you for always supporting CES.
Good evening, CES families. This is your principal Stacie Gerrells. I hope you all had a great Spring Break. We can’t wait to welcome our students back to school tomorrow. Thank you all for your wonderful support of our BoosterThon. It was a great fundraiser for our school! You all are amazing! This Friday is All Pro Dad for our 4th and 5th graders. If you are planning on attending, please be sure to RSVP. Also, we have a few extra class pictures for sale. They are 5.00 each and will be sold on a first come/first serve basis. If you send the money with your child, please be sure to specify that it is for a class picture. If you have not purchased or returned your child’s Spring pictures, please do so. Have a wonderful week!
This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of CES. We have several exciting events this week. First, our annual Fun Run will be this Wednesday, March 27 during CAMP time. We invite parents to come cheer your student on during this fun event. Thank you for your awesome support of this fundraiser. Also, March 29 will be Career Day. Thank you to all of our Career Day presenters. If you have not returned your Spring pictures, please send in payment or the Spring pictures by the end of the week. Next week, April 1st-5th is Spring Break. I hope you all have a wonderful break!
Hello, CES Families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells, with some important information. Report cards will go home tomorrow. Please take a moment to review your child’s progress and reach out to your child’s teacher with any concerns. Also, we will be kicking off our annual Fun Run Fundraiser this week. This is a wonderful way to support our school. Please be on the lookout for text messages with more information. Our CCT Glo Dance will be this Friday from 5:00-6:00. Admission is free and we will have concessions for sale. All students must have an adult with them at the dance. Please reach out with any questions. Have a wonderful week! Thank you for your continued support of CES!
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal Stacie Gerrells. It is hard to believe that March 13 is the end of the third nine weeks. Report cards will come home on Monday, March 18. Please encourage your student to continue to give 100%. We are looking forward to a great last nine weeks of school. Thank you for your continued support!
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells, with a few reminders. This Tuesday, March 5 is an Early Release Day. Students will dismiss at 11:30am. This Thursday will be our CCT meeting at 6:00 before our 4th grade performance. Thank you for your continued support of CES!
Good evening, CES families. We are excited to welcome everyone back to school tomorrow. I hope you all had a great break. Spring Pictures are this Wed. on Feb. 28. All students will have their picture taken. Picture packages will be sent home for purchasing at a later date. Read Across America is this Friday. We have some great guest readers planned for our students. We encourage students to dress in Dr. Suess character gear or as their favorite book character. Please remember our school dress code as you are planning your costume. Coming up, March 5 is an Early Release Day. Students will dismiss at 11:30am. See you tomorrow!
Good evening, CES families. Happy Valentine’s Day from your principal, Mrs. Gerrells. We are looking forward to a great week this week. This Thursday we will celebrate Officer Mac for SRO Appreciation Day. Friday is our annual Rock Your School Day. We encourage your child to come dressed up as a Rock Star Student! Next week, our students will be on Winter Break. There is no school for students Feb. 19-23. We hope everyone enjoys their time off.
Hello. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of CES. Today, you will be able to view your student’s 3rd nine weeks’ progress report online via Infinite Campus. If you need information on how to gain access to your parent portal, please call the school. On our school’s web page there are detailed instructions on how to view your child’s grades and attendance under the parent information link. If you need a paper copy of your child’s progress report, please call the school. Thank you for your continued support of CES.
Good evening CES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. This week is School Counselor’s Appreciation Week. We are so appreciative of our counselor, Mr. Matt Cole. Also, this Thursday, our kindergarteners will perform “A QU Wedding” at 6:00 after our Cottrell Collaboration Team meeting. We are looking forward to a great week. Have a nice evening.
Good evening CES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. January has been a great month at Cottrell Elementary School. Please continue to encourage your child to give 100% each day as we near the 3rd nine weeks midterm. As always, thank you for your continued support of CES!
Good evening. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of CES. It is hard to believe that Wednesday is the 100th day of school. We are so proud of our students and all that they have already accomplished this year. We are looking forward to a wonderful week!
Good evening, CES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. There is no school tomorrow, Monday, January 15, in observance of MLK Day. Class pictures will be on Thursday of this week. You should have received an order form in your child’s purple folder. We are looking forward to a great week. Thank you for your continued support of CES.
Good evening, CES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We had a great first few days back. Tomorrow, your child’s second nine weeks report card will come home in the purple folder. Please take a moment to review your child’s progress and reach out to your child’s teacher with any questions. All Pro Dad for 2nd and 3rd grade will be this Friday, January 12 at 7:30am. Please RSVP if you are planning to attend. As always, thank you for your continued support of CES.
Happy New Year, CES families! This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I hope you all had a wonderful break. We can’t wait to welcome students back to school tomorrow. We are looking forward to a wonderful second half of the year!
Good evening, CES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. This week is our last week before Christmas break. Friday, Dec. 15th, will be a half day. We will dismiss at 11:30. We will also have Holiday Dress Up this week: Mon.- blue or white, Tues.- holiday headgear and socks, Wed.- holiday characters, Thurs.- holiday PJs, and Fri- holiday shirt/sweater. You can find more information about the daily dress up on our website or social media pages. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the break, Dec. 18- Jan. 3. Students will return to school on Jan. 4. Merry Christmas!
Good evening, CES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! This week our 3rd graders will perform for our CCT meeting on Thursday, Dec. 7th at 6:00pm. Our Cottrell Collaboration Team will also be hosting our annual Winter Wonderland this Saturday, Dec. 9 from 9:00-12:00. Come and enjoy a pancake breakfast, Christmas crafts, and pictures with Santa. If you have not already bought tickets, they will be available at the door. We hope to see you all there. Have a great week!
Good evening, CES parents. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. We are excited to welcome our students back to school tomorrow. It is going to be a wonderful week! As always, thank you for your support of CES.
Good evening, CES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We are looking forward to a great week. Wear purple and gold on Friday again to support our Indians as they play in the 2nd round of state playoffs. Thanksgiving Break will be next week, November 20 - November 24. We are so blessed to have such wonderful CES families. We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. We are thankful for all of you!
Hello. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of CES. On Wednesday of this week, you will be able to view your student’s 2nd nine weeks’ progress report online via Infinite Campus. If you need information on how to gain access to your parent portal, please call the school. On our school’s web page there are detailed instructions on how to view your child’s grades and attendance under the parent information link. If you need a paper copy of your child’s progress report, please call the school. Also, Wednesday will be Spirit Night at Panda Express in Dawsonville. Part of the night’s proceeds will be donated to CES. Our event’s online ordering code is 362861. This code will need to be applied in the Fundraiser Code field at check-out when ordering on the Panda Express website or Panda app. All in-person orders will need to show a digital of the event flier. This can be found on our social media pages or on our website. This Friday, we encourage your student to wear purple and gold or LC Spirit Wear to support our LCHS Indians as they play in the first round of the state playoffs. Go Indians!
Good evening, CES Families. This Stacie Gerrells, principal of CES. We will be celebrating Book Character Dress Up Day this Tuesday. Please remember no scary costumes, and costumes must follow our dress code. In this week’s purple folder, you will find an invite for our annual Veteran’s Day Program on Nov. 10. Please return this RSVP by Nov. 6, if you have a veteran that will be attending. Have a wonderful week!
Good evening, CES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Old Fashion Day was a great success. Thank you to our CCT for organizing such an amazing day. Also, thank you to the wonderful volunteers that helped with OFD. This week is Red Ribbon Week. Each day we will have a dress up theme: Mon.- wear red/ Tues.- PJs/ Wed.- jeans/ Thurs.- Space/ Fri.- Sports. Please visit our website or social media for more information. This Friday is our first All Pro Dad for our kindergarten and first grade students. If you did not RSVP and are planning on attending, please RSVP. Looking ahead, we will have a book character dress up day on Tuesday, Oct. 31. Thank you for all you do to support CES.
Hello, CES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I hope you had a nice Fall Break. Report cards will come home tomorrow. If you have questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher. This Wed., Oct. 18 is an early release day for parent conferences. Students will dismiss at 11:30. This Fri., Oct. 20 is Old Fashion Day. We invite you to join your child for OFD. Please be sure to sign in at the office before joining your child’s class. We encourage students to dress up for OFD; however, remember toy weapons are not allowed. I would like to give a special thank you to our CCT for all of their hard work in preparing for Old Fashion Day. We are looking forward to a great week!
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells, with a few reminders. This week is our Fall Break. There will be no school for students October 9- October 13. Also, when we return we will have an early release day for parent conferences. Students will dismiss at 11:30 on Wednesday, October 18. Old Fashion Day is October 20. Thank you to our Cottrell Collaboration Team for all of their hard work organizing OFD. I hope you all have a wonderful Fall Break! Thank you for your continued support of CES!
Hello. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Thanks to all that attended our Scavenger Hunt Night. It was amazing! Monday is Custodian Appreciation Day. CES has wonderful custodians! Friday is Fall picture retakes. All students that were absent on the original picture day will have their picture taken. If you would like to have your student’s picture retaken, please return the original pictures and send a note for retakes. If you have not returned or paid for your child’s pictures from Aug. 28, please do so this week. This week our CCT will have the Change War Challenge. Containers for change donations will be in the media center. October 9-13 will be Fall Break. Have a great Fall Break!
Good evening. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of Cottrell Elementary School. We invite everyone to our first Family Engagement Night this Thursday, Sept. 28 with a Scavenger Hunt from 6:00-7:00 and a Title One presentation at 5:30. We will have CES shirts and yearbook pre-orders available to purchase. We can’t wait to see everyone this Thursday evening!
Good evening. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of CES, with some important information. Our first graders will perform “The Wizard of Oz '' at 6:00 on September 21. There will be a CCT meeting right before the performance. On September 28, we will have our first Family Engagement Night with a Scavenger Hunt from 6:00-7:00 with a Title One presentation at 5:30. Also, our CCT will need help with a Teacher Appreciation snack on the 22nd. If you are interested, please reach out by emailing them at Thank you for your continued support of CES.
Good evening. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of Cottrell Elementary School. Please mark your calendars for two upcoming events: Our first graders will perform “The Wizard of Oz '' at 6:00 on September 21. There will be a Cottrell Collaboration Team meeting right before the performance. On September 28, we will have our first Family Engagement Night with a Scavenger Hunt from 6:00-7:00 and a Title One presentation at 5:30. Please see our website and facebook page for more information. We are looking forward to a wonderful week!
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We had a great Sports Day last Friday. Thank you for your support. Don’t forget that there is no school tomorrow, September 5. Happy Labor Day to everyone. I hope you enjoy your three day weekend!
Hello. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of Cottrell Elementary School. Parents, today you will be able to view your student’s first nine weeks’ progress report online via Infinite Campus. If you do not have access to your parent account in Infinite Campus, please contact the school for further instructions on how to gain access. On our school’s web page there are detailed instructions on how to view your child’s grades and attendance through the parent portal under the parent information link. If you do not have access to the internet, please call the school to request a paper copy of your student's progress report. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions about your child’s progress report. I hope you have a wonderful evening.
Good evening, CES families. This is Stacie Gerrells with a few reminders. Monday is Fall Picture Day. All students will have their picture made for the yearbook. Picture packets for purchase will be sent home in the next few weeks. Let's get into the GAME! We will have our first "Game Day'' on September 1st to celebrate National College Colors Day. Teachers will develop “Game Day'' lesson plans that match their specific grade-level curriculum. Students are invited to wear their favorite college team attire or sports attire on September 1. It is going to be a GREAT week!
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We are continuing to have a great start to the school year. I want to remind you that Fall pictures will be next Monday, August 28. Every student will have their picture taken as these are also for the yearbook. A picture flier was sent home in purple folders last week. We are looking forward to a wonderful week. Thank you for your continued support of CES.
Good evening, CES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We had another excellent week of school. I am so proud of all of our students. Please be sure to check your child’s purple folder each week. You can also find important announcements and upcoming events on our website and facebook page. We appreciate your support of CES and your involvement in your child’s education. Just a reminder- If you are dropping your child off or picking your child up, please do not block the crosswalk. Also, if you do not have a parent pick up number, you will be asked to park and come inside to pick up your child. Every car going through the parent pick up line must have a number. If I can ever be of assistance, please do not hesitate to email me at
Good evening, CES Families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We had a wonderful first week of school. Our students did a great job adapting to our new building. It was wonderful to see their smiling faces each day. Thank you for your patience with parent drop off and parent pick up. We have many more vehicles going through our morning and afternoon lines this year and are continuing to improve each day. Please help us out by having your students ready in the morning during drop off. If a student is not ready to exit the vehicle, please pull forward so it does not hold up the line. Also, please stay off your cell phones, and stay attentive while in the drop off/pick up line. If you park and walk your child to the front of the building, please use the crosswalk. We are looking forward to a wonderful week!
Good evening CES families. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of Cottrell Elementary School. Thank you all for attending Open House last Thursday. We had an excellent turn out. Please continue to fill out your beginning of the year forms via the parent portal on Infinite Campus. If you need help with your username or password, please call the school. Also, be sure to review the beginning of the year packet that you received at Open House for important information. The building will open each day at 7:30 for students. This is also the time we will begin parent drop off. Parents will be allowed to walk their children to class on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week only. Traffic will be heavy the first few days of school. Please be patient as it always improves by the end of the week. If you have questions about your child’s bus route, please call the front office or the transportation department on Monday. Thank you for sharing your student with us. We can’t wait to see everyone on Tuesday. It is going to be a great year!
Welcome back, CES Families. I hope you all had an amazing summer.This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells with some important reminders. As you are coming into the parking lot of the school, please enter through the second exit of the roundabout. You will see signs directing you. All beginning of the year forms will be filled out online via the parent portal of Infinite Campus this year. Be sure to fill out the free and reduced lunch form, which will also be online. We will have chromebooks set up in the media center during Open House to help assist with this. Please be sure to have your photo ID if you need help with your parent portal. Everyone will need a new Parent Pick Up number this year. There will be a table set up in the gym at Open House for this. If you would like to put money on your child’s lunch account, you may do so tomorrow night by visiting the lunchroom. We will have CES t-shirts and sweatshirts for sale tomorrow. We only are able to accept cash or check for these. As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. My email is stacie.gerrells We can’t wait to welcome everyone to the new Cottrell Elementary School tomorrow evening at Open House from 4:00-6:00 pm.
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells, with our last weekly message for the year. Honors Day is this week. Kindergarten-fourth grade will have Honors Day on Tuesday, May 23. Fifth grade will celebrate Honors Day on Wednesday, May 24 after their final walk at 8:15. Invitations for Honors Day were sent home last week in purple folders. If you have any questions about Honors Day, please reach out to your child’s teacher. We have had a wonderful year, and I can not thank you enough for all of your support and dedication to make LCES such a great school. I hope you all have a fantastic summer!
Good evening LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. It is hard to believe we are almost finished with the school year. Field Day will be tomorrow. If you are joining us for Field Day, please be sure to sign in at the front office before joining your child on the field. On Wednesday, May 17, we will have a Farewell to LCES Night from 5:00 - 7:00. This is a drop in event and everyone is welcome. Honors Day for all grades will be next week. Please check your child’s purple folder throughout the week for individual invitations. If you have any questions about Honor’s Day, please contact your child’s teacher. Also, we have a limited amount of class pictures for sale for $5.00 and a very limited amount of year books for $36.00. Both may be purchased in the front office. Happy Mother’s Day to all of our wonderful LCES moms. We will see everyone tomorrow as we complete our last full week of the 2022- 2023 school year. Let’s finish strong!
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We are so proud of our 3rd- 5th graders for their efforts on the GA Milestone testing last week. We are finishing testing tomorrow as 5th grade completes the Science portion of the test. This Friday is Field Day. Please make sure your child has comfortable shoes, a water bottle, and sunscreen. All visitors must report to the office to sign in before joining students on the field. We are looking forward to a fantastic Field Day! It is hard to believe the year is almost over. As always, we appreciate your support in making LCES the best!
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. This week is GA Milestone testing for 3rd-5th grade. We encourage your students to eat a good breakfast and be on time for school. I know our students are going to do wonderful! Also, this week is Teacher Appreciation Week, and Friday is School Nutrition Day and School Nurse’s Day. . Please take a moment to thank your child’s teacher, our wonderful cafeteria staff and Nurse Rosa. We are so appreciative of all of our LCES faculty and staff!
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Tomorrow marks the 4th nine weeks midterm. Please be sure to log into your parent portal of Infinite Campus to review your child’s grades. On our school webpage there are detailed instructions on how to view your child’s grades and attendance through the parent portal under the parent information link. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher. We are looking forward to a great week and a great end of the school year!
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I would like to invite you all to our annual Festival of Arts this Friday from 5:00 - 7:30. We will have our Talent Show, craft booths, and food. Our PFO has also provided an inflatable slide for our students to enjoy. PFO will also be selling pizza, drinks, and snacks. Tickets for the craft booths are $1.00 each. We hope to see you all there.
Good evening LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break. We are looking forward to welcoming our students back to school tomorrow. As a reminder, this Friday, April 14 is All Pro Dad for our 4th and 5th graders. Also, if you are interested in serving as a parent representative for SGT next year, please email me by this Wednesday. I want to personally thank you all for your support of our annual Fun Run. It was a great success. We will see everyone tomorrow. Happy Easter!
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Our Annual Fun Run will be Wednesday, March 29 during grade level CAMP times. You are welcome to come cheer your student on during this time. Thank you all for your support of our Fun Run. Thursday, March 30 is an early release day for parent conferences. Students will dismiss at 11:30am. Friday, March 31 is a teacher work day. There will be no school for students on March 31. Spring Break is April 3- April 7. I hope you all have a wonderful week and enjoy your Spring Break.
Hello, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Our 2023 Fun Run begins this week. Please be on the lookout for text messages about this wonderful fundraiser and event for our students. Hat Day is this Friday. Students may wear a hat for 50 cents. All donations go toward Relay for Life or The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It is going to be a great week! Thank you for helping to make LCES such a great school.
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. It is hard to believe that we are almost at the fourth nine weeks of the school year. We are so proud of our students and how hard they have been working. The fourth nine weeks begins this Thursday, March 16. Please take a moment to talk with your child about continuing to give 100% every day as we finish up the school year. I hope you have a great week. Thank you for always supporting LCES!
Our LCHS Women's Basketball Team will be visiting our LCES students tomorrow. Let’s cheer them on by wearing purple and gold. Go Indians!
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. This Thursday our 4th grade will perform at our PFO meeting at 6:00pm. Also, all Lumpkin County Schools will be closed on Friday, March 10 in support of our Lady Indians basketball team. We are looking forward to a great week. As always, thank you for your support of LCES.
Good evening, parents. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I hope you all had a wonderful Winter Break. This week is Read Across America Week. We will have a different dress up theme each day: Monday- PJ Day, Tuesday- Silly Sock Day, Wednesday- Spring Picture Day, Thursday- Hat Day, and Friday is Book Character Dress Up Day. More information on the dress up days can be found on our website or Facebook page. Spring Pictures will be Wednesday. All students will have their picture made. We do have extra class pictures on sale for $10.00 in the front office. We are looking forward to a great week and can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow.
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We have an exciting week planned with Rock Your School Day being this Friday. This day will be a day of fun and exciting lessons for our students. We encourage students to dress as a “Rock Star” to help celebrate. Thank you to our PFO for decorating the school. Also, Wednesday is School Resource Officer Day. We are so appreciative of our SRO, Officer McWhorter. Don’t forget Winter Break begins February 20. There is no school for students Feb. 20- Feb. 24. Thank you for all that you do to support our school. LCES Rocks!
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Tomorrow will be the midterm for the third nine weeks. Please be sure to log into your parent portal of Infinite Campus to review your child’s grades. On our school webpage there are detailed instructions on how to view your child’s grades and attendance through the parent portal under the parent information link. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher. We are looking forward to seeing our kindergarten students perform the “QU Wedding” at our PFO meeting on Thursday night. Also, this week is School Counselor’s Week. We appreciate our school counselor, Mr. Matt. We hope you all have a wonderful week. As always, thanks for your continued support of LCES.
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I would like to thank all of our families that signed up for Changemaker. Your generosity will help our school and students in many ways. It is not too late to sign up at: We are looking forward to a great week. Thanks for all that you do for LCES!
Changemaker kicks off tomorrow! On January 24 we will be having a 24 hour sign-up spree to become a Changemaker for LCES. Changemaker is an opportunity to raise funds for our school by simply donating your digital spare change each month. It’s THAT simple: sign up a credit or debit card, shop anywhere, & the change from your purchases will automatically be rounded up and donated to our school. Get ready to become a Changemaker and be on the lookout for a flier to come home with your student today or sign up with this link:
Good evening. This is your LCES principal, Stacie Gerrells. We are looking forward to celebrating our 100th day of school tomorrow. We will also be participating in Changemaker, a district wide fundraiser this week. Changemaker is an opportunity to raise funds for Lumpkin County Elementary by simply donating your digital spare change each month. It’s easy: sign up a credit or debit card, shop anywhere, & the change from your purchases will automatically be rounded up and donated to our school. There will be a flier in your child’s purple folder with more information about this. We hope you have a wonderful week!
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. There is no school tomorrow, Monday, January 16, in observance of MLK Day. Class pictures will be on Thursday of this week. You should have received an order form in your child’s purple folder. We are looking forward to a great week. Thank you for your continued support of LCES.
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. This Monday, we will wear red and black or UGA attire to cheer on our GA Bulldogs. Also, report cards will come home in purple folders on Monday. Please take a moment to review your child’s progress and reach out to your child’s teacher with any questions. All Pro Dad for 2nd and 3rd grade will be this Friday, January 13 at 7:30am. Please RSVP if you are planning on attending. As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. I hope you have a wonderful week!
Happy New Year, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I hope you all had a wonderful break. We can’t wait to welcome students back to school on January 5. Let's start the new year and get into the GAME! We will have our first "Game Day" on January 6th. Teachers will develop “Game Day” lesson plans that match their specific grade-level curriculum. Students are invited to wear jerseys or sports attire to celebrate! We will see you all on Thursday.
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Thank you to all that supported our Winter Wonderland on Saturday. It was a great event for our families. I would like to give a special thank you to our PFO and volunteers for hosting the event. PFO will have the holiday shop open for students to shop on Monday from 10:00 - 2:00. They will accept cash only. If you would like your child to shop, please send the money in an envelope marked Holiday Shop. This week is our last week before Christmas break. Friday, December 16th, will be a half day. Students will dismiss at 11:30. We will also be doing our Holiday Dress Up this week. Monday is dress like a snowman or wear white. Tuesday is dress like a Grinch character or wear green. Wednesday, wear holiday headgear. Thursday is Christmas PJ day and Friday is Christmas sweater day. You can find more information about the daily dress up on our website or facebook page. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy the break. Merry Christmas!
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. This week our 3rd graders will perform for our PFO meeting on Thursday, Dec. 8. PFO will also be hosting our annual Winter Wonderland this Saturday, Dec. 10 from 9:00- 12:00. Come enjoy a pancake breakfast, Christmas crafts, and pictures with Santa. If you have not already bought tickets, they will be available at the door. We hope to see you all there. Have a great week!
Good evening, LCES parents. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. We are excited to welcome our students back to school tomorrow. It is going to be a wonderful week! As always, thank you for your support of LCES.
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. This Friday is Hat Day. Wear a hat for 50 cents to support Relay for Life. Thanksgiving Break will be November 21- November 25. We hope you and your family have a great break. We are so thankful for all of our LCES families. We will see you all tomorrow.
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Thank you for your support of our Book Fair last week. The students really enjoyed it. Tomorrow is the last day to shop at the Book Fair. The second nine weeks midterm is this Wednesday, November 9. Please take a moment on Wednesday to log into your parent portal to review your student’s progress. Also, this Friday is our Veteran’s Day Program. If you have a veteran joining your child for this, please be sure to RSVP by returning the flier that was sent home in the purple folder. We are looking forward to a wonderful week. As always, we appreciate all that you do to support LCES.
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Our Book Fair will be this week in the media center. Students will have a chance to preview and shop throughout the week. We appreciate your support of Lumpkin County Elementary School. I hope you have a happy and safe Halloween.
Good evening, LCES families. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of LCES with a few reminders of upcoming events. This week is Red Ribbon Week. Monday, wear red. Tuesday, wear neon. Wednesday, wear boots. Thursday, wear camouflage, and Friday, wear your favorite team colors. Our second graders will perform on Thursday night at 6:00 for our PFO meeting, and All Pro Dad for kindergarten and first grade is Friday, October 28 at 7:30am. Our PFO Change War is also this week. More information about all of our upcoming events is available on our school website and our LCES facebook page. I hope you all have a wonderful evening. We will see everyone tomorrow!
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I want to thank everyone that helped make our OFD such a success. I would also like to give a huge thank you to our amazing PFO for all of their hard work and preparation for our OFD. This Tuesday, October 18 is School Bus Driver Appreciation Day. LCES appreciates all of our bus drivers. It is going to be a wonderful week!
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells with a few reminders. Tomorrow, October 10, is a teacher workday. There will be no school for students. Friday, October 14, is Old Fashioned Day. We invite you to join your child for this exciting day, but please be sure to sign in before joining your child’s class. The sign in table for visitors will be outside of the front office. We will begin signing in visitors beginning at 8:20. We encourage students to dress up for Old Fashioned Day; however, please remember toy weapons are not allowed. I would like to give a special thank you to our PFO for all of their hard work in preparing for Old Fashioned Day. I know it will be a day full of memories for our students. Have a great week.
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We are so excited to welcome our students back from Fall Break. I hope you all had a great week off. On Monday of this week, we will be celebrating School Custodian Appreciation Day. We are so thankful for our custodians! Friday will be Fall picture retake day. All students that were not here for the original picture day will have their picture taken. If you would like to have your student’s picture retaken, please be sure to return the original pictures and let your child’s teacher know that you would like retakes. If you have not returned or paid for your child’s pictures from the August 29 picture date, please do so this week. Next Monday, Oct. 10 will be a teacher work day. There will be no school for students on Monday, October 10. We are looking forward to a great week. We will see you all on Monday.
Hello, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells, with a few reminders for the upcoming week. First, I would like to thank our PFO and App Studios for a wonderful dance last Friday. Next, our first PFO performance will be this Thursday, September 22 at 6:00pm. Our first graders will be performing. This Friday, Sept. 23 is Hat Day. Students may wear a hat for 50 cents with all proceeds going to Relay for Life. Next week, Sept. 26-30 is Fall Break. There will be no school for students or teachers September 26- 30. I hope you all have a wonderful Fall Break.
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Don’t forget Tuesday, September 13 is an early release day for parent conferences. Students will be dismissed at 11:30am. On Friday, September 16, LCES is supporting Childhood Cancer Awareness Month by wearing yellow. Also on Friday, we will have our PFO sponsored Glo Dance from 5:00-6:00pm in the gym. We hope to see you there. Have a wonderful week!
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells, with a few reminders. There will be no school on Monday, September 5. I hope you all have a great Labor Day! Also, September 13 will be an early release day for parent conferences. Students will dismiss at 11:30am on September 13. Please be sure to reach out to your child’s teacher if you would like a conference and have not already scheduled one. As always, thank you for your continued support of Lumpkin County Elementary School.
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells, with some important reminders. Tomorrow is Fall Picture Day. All students will have their picture taken, as these are also for the yearbook. Wear your favorite college colors on Friday for National College Colors Day. There will be no school on Monday, September 5. I hope you enjoy your Labor Day. Also, September 13 will be an early release day for parent conferences. Students will dismiss at 11:30am on September 13.
Several of you have asked for information on how to receive low balance alerts for your child’s lunch account. Listed below are the steps on how to do this:
Log into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal → Click on settings on the top right (looks like a person) → Click notification settings, and check which notifications you would like. If you download the IC app, you can also receive push notifications. If you need help with this, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are looking forward to a wonderful week.
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells with important information about upcoming events. Our Student Showcase Night will be this Tuesday, August 23 from 5:00- 6:00. Please drop in anytime during the hour to see the great things your student has already accomplished this year. We will be selling LCES t-shirts for $15.00 (cash or check) during Student Showcase Night. This Friday, August 26 is Hat Day. Support our Relay for Life by wearing a hat for 50 cents. Looking ahead, Monday, August 29 is our Fall Picture Day.
Please be sure to check your child’s purple folder each Monday for important information and updates. Some of you will receive a medical information sheet in your child’s purple folder this week. If you receive this paper, please fill it out and return it asap. We are looking forward to a great week. As always, thank you for your continued support of LCES.
Good afternoon LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We had another great week of school. Our LCES students are amazing! Below are a few reminders: If you are going through the parent pick up line, you must have a number. Without a number, you will have to go to the office to check out your child. Also, all transportation changes must be made in writing, and please don’t forget to send in an excuse note if your child is absent. If you have not filled out your forms, please do so asap via your parent portal in Infinite Campus. Thank you for showing your ID when entering the building. We have the best students, faculty, and parents. Thank you for your continued support.
Good afternoon LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We had a great first full week of school. Thank you for continuing to complete your beginning of the year forms online via your parent portal. If you have not filled out your forms, I encourage you to do so as soon as possible. If you need assistance, please call the school. Also I would like to remind you that during the mornings, the front of the building is reserved for school buses and preschool students until after 7:50 or when all buses have unloaded. Please drop your students off by using the parent drop off lane that goes behind the building if you are dropping off before 7:50. We are looking forward to another wonderful week. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. See you on Monday.
Hello. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of Lumpkin County Elementary School. We have had a wonderful first two days of school. Thanks for allowing us to be a part of your child’s success.
I have just a few reminders this afternoon. First, please be prepared to show your ID every time you visit the school. Even if the office staff knows you, you must show your ID.
You must have a decal if you are going through the parent pick up line. Decals are available in the front office. In the Parent Pick Up line, an adult will put your child in the car. If you need to buckle your child, please pull forward and pull over to do so. This will allow the car line to keep flowing. Please do not pull around other cars. I appreciate your patience with traffic. It will continue to improve as the week progresses.
Beginning tomorrow, you will need to say your goodbyes at the door. Parents may not walk their students to class. We will have plenty of adults in the hallways to help students.
Have a great evening. I appreciate all that you do to support our school.
Good evening LCES families. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of Lumpkin County Elementary School. Thank you all for attending Open House last Friday. We had an excellent turn out.
Please continue to fill out your beginning of the year forms via the parent portal on Infinite Campus. If you need help with your username or password, please call the school.
Please be sure to review the beginning of the year packet that you received at Open House for important safety information.
Parents will be allowed to walk their children to class on Monday and Tuesday of this week only.
Traffic will be heavy the first few days of school. Please be patient as it always improves by the end of the week.
Also, please remember from 8:30 until 2:00 each day, you will need to enter the school through the gate at the bottom parking lot. This will be the only entrance and exit open during these times.
Thank you for sharing your students with us. We can’t wait to see them on Monday and know it is going to be a great year!
Good evening LCES families. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of Lumpkin County Elementary School. We are so excited about the upcoming school year. Open House will be Friday, July 29 from 1:00- 6:00. Please feel free to drop in anytime between these hours.
All beginning of the year forms will be filled out online via Infinite Campus this year. Be sure to fill out the free and reduced lunch form, which will also be online. We will have chromebooks set up in the media center during Open House to help assist with this.
Please be sure to review the beginning of the year packet that you will receive on Friday for important safety information.
We will be utilizing water fill stations again this year. Please make sure your child brings a water bottle with their name on it to school each day.
Again, we are looking forward to a great year and can’t wait to see you all Friday. As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. My email is stacie.gerrells Have a great evening.
Text 5-22-22
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells, with a reminder about Honor’s Day. This year’s Honors Day will be Tuesday, May 24, for grades K-4. Fifth grade will have Honors Day on May 25. Fifth grade will also have their final walk around the building on May 25 at 8:15. Invitations were sent home with all students receiving an award. The last day of school is Wednesday, May 25. Students will be released at 11:30am. Thank you for helping to make this year a wonderful year.
Text 5-19-22
Tomorrow is Field Day. It will be HOT! Please make sure your child has comfortable shoes, a water bottle, and sunscreen. All visitors must report to the office to sign in before joining students on the field. We are looking forward to a fantastic day!
Call 5-15-22
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells, with a few reminders. This Friday, May 20, is Field Day. Please be sure your child has comfortable shoes, sunscreen, and a water bottle. This year’s Honors Day will be Tuesday, May 24, for grades K-4. Fifth grade will have Honors Day on May 25. Fifth grade will also have their final walk around the building on May 25 at 8:15. Invitations will be sent home tomorrow with all K-4 students receiving an award. Fifth grade invitations will be sent home on Tuesday. Times for each grade level will be listed on the invitation. We hope you will be able to join us. Have a wonderful evening.
Text 5-9-22
Good evening, LCES families. Yearbooks were delivered to students today. We do have extra yearbooks for sale in the front office on a first come/ first serve basis. Yearbooks are $32.00, and we can accept cash or check. Your child’s teacher will let you know when students will be signing yearbooks. Have a great evening.
Call 4-10-22
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I hope you all had an excellent Spring Break. We have many activities planned over the next few weeks of school. Please be sure to check your child’s purple folder, our website, and our facebook page for important upcoming dates. Parents of 3rd-5th graders, students will be taking the Georgia Milestones test the week of May 2. Please avoid appointments requiring absences during this week. Students will be bringing home more information on the GA Milestones soon. As always, thank you for your continued support. I can’t wait to see all of our students tomorrow!
Call 3-27-22
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I want to thank you all for your support of the Fun Run. It was a huge success. I would also like to thank our PFO for their help with the Fun Run. If you are interested in being a part of PFO please contact them at This Friday, April 1st will be our first day of Spring Break. Spring Break will be April 1- April 8. Students will return to school on Monday, April 11. I hope you all have a wonderful Spring Break.
Text 3-6-22
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I want to remind you that this Thursday is an early release day for parent conferences. Students will be dismissed at 11:30am. This Friday, March 11 is a teacher work day. There is no school for students on Friday, March 11. As always, thank you for your continued support of LCES.
Text 2-13-22
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I want to remind you that Winter Break begins this Friday. Winter Break is February 18 - February 21. February 22 is a Professional Learning Day for teachers, so there will be no school for students. I hope you all enjoy your Winter break. Have a great week.
Text 2-7-22
Hello. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of Lumpkin County Elementary Schools.Today you will be able to view your student’s third nine weeks progress report online via Infinite Campus. If you do not have access to your parent account in Infinite Campus, please contact the school for further instructions on how to gain access. On our school webpage there are detailed instructions on how to view your child’s grades and attendance through the parent portal under the parent information link. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about his or her grades. As always, thank you for your continued support of Lumpkin County Elementary School.
Text 1-9-22
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Thank you all for a great first week back. Tomorrow is GEORGIA day. Wear red and black to support our GA Bulldogs. Have a wonderful week!
Call 12-19-21
Today is the last day to purchase a 5th grade yearbook ad. Ads are $15.00 and can be purchased at
Text 12-19-21
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal Stacie Gerrells with an important reminder. Christmas break is December 23-January 4. Students will return to school on January 5, 2022. This Wednesday, December 22 is an early release day. Students will be released at 11:30am. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Text 12-13-21
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Yesterday’s Winter Wonderland Breakfast was a huge success. I would like to say a special thank you to our PFO and parent and staff volunteers for making the event possible. PFO will have the Winter Wonderland Shop open during school hours for one day only. Students may bring money to shop tomorrow from 7:25- 2PM. Items range in price from 25 cents to 8 dollars. Please send money in a sealed envelope labeled “Holiday Shop.” Also, don’t forget this week begins our Holiday Dress Up. Tomorrow is “Snowman Day.” Dress like a snowman or wear white. We look forward to seeing everyone in the morning.
Text 10-29-21
Let’s celebrate our Atlanta Braves. Wear Braves attire/color on Monday. Don’t forget to check our LCES web page or facebook page often for upcoming events.
Text 10-24-21
LCES will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week this week. Monday’s theme is “We are drug-free and outta this world”- Wear space, aliens, astronauts, Star Wars, Star Trek, moon shirts, etc. We are looking forward to an excellent week!
Text 10-17-21
Good evening, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. Thank you all for a wonderful Old Fashion Day. I want to extend a special thank you to our PFO and all of our volunteers for all of their hard work in making OFD so successful. Thursday of this week (Oct. 21) is an early release day for parent conferences. Students will be dismissed at 11:30. Friday this week (Oct. 22) is a Teacher Work Day. There is no school for students on Friday. See you all tomorrow morning.
Text 10-10-21
Hello LCES families. Old Fashion Day is this Friday, October 15. On this day, your child will learn about how people lived during pioneer times and about their heritage. Your child is welcome to dress up for Old Fashion Day. Please remember, no toy weapons are allowed. Safety is always a top priority. Therefore, we are asking that each child only have 1 visitor accompany them. It is going to be a great day!
Text 9-26-21
Good evening LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. I hope you had a fantastic Fall Break. This week we will have Fall picture retakes on Wednesday, Sept. 29. All students that were absent on the original picture day will need to have their picture taken. If you are not happy with the original pictures and would like retakes, please send a note to your child’s teacher. Also, on Thursday, Sept. 30 our first grade will perform “The Wizard of Oz” for our first PFO meeting at 6:00. In an effort to help with social distancing, we ask that only 2 adults per family attend this performance. See you tomorrow.
Text 9-12-21
Please make plans to attend our LCES Student Showcase Night this Tuesday, September 14 from 5:00-6:00pm. This will be a drop in event where you can visit your child's classroom to see what he or she has been learning this year. Student work will be on display. As a reminder, the CDC and DPH recommend mask wearing when social distancing is not possible. We can't wait to see you and your child Tuesday night.
Text 9-7-21
Hello. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of Lumpkin County Elementary Schools. We have had a great first month of school. It is hard to believe it is already midterm. Today you will be able to view your student’s first nine weeks progress report online via infinite campus. If you do not have access to your parent account in Infinite Campus, please contact the school for further instructions on how to gain access. Also, if you do not have access to the internet, please call the school to request a paper copy of your student's progress report. On our school webpage there are detailed instructions on how to view your child’s grades and attendance through the parent portal under the parent information link. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions about his or her grades. I also want to remind you about our upcoming Student Showcase Night on September 14 from 5:00- 6:00. This will be a drop in event where you can visit your child’s classroom to see what he or she has been learning this year. We look forward to seeing you there. Have a great evening.
Text 8-30-21
Hello, LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells, with an important reminder. Please do not send your child to school if they are not feeling well or if they are awaiting COVID test results. If your child has been exposed to COVID outside of the school setting, they must quarantine at home. Please call the nurse for guidance if your child has been exposed outside of the school setting. Thank you for your help and your continued support of Lumpkin County Elementary School.
Call 8-22-21
Good evening LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells with a few reminders. This Wednesday, August 25 is picture day. Everyone will have their picture made, as these will be yearbook pictures. Friday is Hat Day. Your student may wear a hat for 50 cents. The money collected from Hat Day goes toward our Relay for Life. I want to thank you for your communication with our teachers. Teachers will respond to text messages and emails within 24 hours. Please be sure to give them this time to respond. Also, please do not send your child to school if they are sick or exhibiting any signs of COVID-19. Additionally if your child has been in direct contact with someone testing positive for COVID outside of the school setting, please call the school for guidance on quarantine guidelines before sending them back to school. We do have face masks available for any student that would like one in the front office and in all classrooms. Thank you for your continued support of Lumpkin County Elementary School. I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.
Text 8-15-21
Good afternoon LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We had a great first full week of school. I have a few important reminders for you regarding parent drop off in the morning and parent pick up in the afternoon. In the mornings, the front of the building is reserved for school bus unloading only until after 7:50 or when all buses have unloaded. Please drop your students off by using the parent drop off lane that goes behind the building. Also, you must have a Parent Pick Up decal for the parent pick up line in the afternoon. You may stop by the office any time during the school day to get a decal if you need one. In the Parent Pick Up line, an adult will put your child in the car. You do not need to get out of the car. If you need to buckle your child, please pull forward and pull over to do so. This will allow the parent pick line to keep flowing. We are looking forward to a great week. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance in any way.
Call 8-4-21
Good afternoon LCES families. This is Stacie Gerrells, principal of Lumpkin County Elementary School. We are so excited about the upcoming school year. It was so nice to see all of our LCES families at Open House.
I do have a few important reminders for you:
First, We are happy to announce that the Lumpkin County School System is purchasing all school supplies for students this year so you will not need to send in any supplies. We are also excited to announce that breakfast and lunch will be free for all students until the end of the school year. We encourage your child to eat in our cafeteria.
Parents will be allowed to walk their students to class the morning of Thursday and Friday only. After that please say your goodbyes at the front door. Also, please remember in the afternoon all parent pick up must go through the parent pick up line. If you did not get a parent pick up decal and you need one, please stop by the office on Thursday.
We will be utilizing water fill stations again this year. Please make sure your child brings a water bottle with their name on it to school each day.
Again, we are looking forward to a great year and can’t wait to see you all tomorrow morning. As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. My email is stacie.gerrells Have a great evening.
Text 8-8-21
Good evening LCES families. This is your principal, Stacie Gerrells. We had a wonderful first two days of school. From kindergarten to fifth grade, our students did amazing. Thank you all for your patience with parent drop off and pick up. As the year progresses this process will be much quicker. Just a reminder- Beginning Monday, no parents will be allowed to walk their students back to class. Please say your goodbyes at the front door or drop your child off in the parent drop off line. We will have plenty of adults in the halls to help students get to class. Also, all parents must go through the parent pick up line in the afternoon. For the safety of our students, we will not be calling students to the office during parent pick up. If you need a parent pick up decal, please stop by the front office. We are looking forward to an extraordinary week. As always, feel free to reach out to me if I can help in any way.