Media Specialist

The CES Library Media Center is a safe and positive space for reading, learning, exploring, and creating. In addition to traditional book check-outs, the school library media program offers collaborative skill lessons for reading, writing, library information skills, and any topic or skill needed by students.

A MakerSpace area includes stations that allow students to build, create, and test-out ideas. This zone, available to students by teacher-pass, nurtures students’ natural creativity and curiosity.

The Book Nook space provides students with a comfortable, fun place to “get lost” in what they are reading and love it.

Book Loan Cycle:
Books are checked out for 2 weeks at a time, but they may be renewed once upon request. It is important to allow other students to have the opportunity to check-out these books, so they do need to be returned in a timely fashion. Overdue notices will be printed at least once each 9 weeks.
Lost or Damaged Books:
Students are responsible for the books they have checked out and should make every effort to take care of these valuable resources and return them to the library. However, accidents do happen, and in the event that a book is damaged, the media center staff will attempt to repair the book properly. If the book is lost or damaged beyond repair, the student will be asked to pay the cost of replacing the book. Additionally, CES is always willing to work with our students’ families to ensure that we find a solution that works for everyone.

Mrs. Jessica Conner

Ms. Kylee Abercrombie
Media Paraprofessional