Rosa Grizzle - Nurse

Rosa Grizzle, R.N.

School Nurse


The nurse’s clinic is open daily to see children. Reasons to visit the clinic include:

Prescriptions Medications (scheduled or as needed)
Parents/guardian must deliver the medication to the nurse and fill out the proper forms so the medication can be administered. Medication must be in the original container with the physician’s directions on it.

Over the counter medications
These must also be brought to the nurse by parents/guardian and a medical form must be completed. The medicine has to be in the original container.

Fever or chills

Uncontrolled coughing

Flushed face


Insect sting


Excessive runny nose

Tooth pain

Sore throat


The medical information form that was sent home at the first of the year has to be returned to the clinic before any office medications can be given.

The clinic closes every day at 2:00 except for emergencies. No medications will be administered after 2:00. This is to prevent the risk of an overdose when your child gets home.

The nurse or teacher can not pull teeth or take splinters out.

If your child has a medical condition that could require treatment at school, please be sure your child’s teacher and the school nurse knows about it. If medication is needed for this condition, please take it to the nurse.